Keyword Discovery - FAQ
How can I access the API ?
The API can be accessed in 3 different ways:
Web browser
The API can be accessed directly via a web browser's address bar. Enter the query string URL directly into the web browser's address bar, and the results will be displayed in XML format in the web browser.
Microsoft Excel
If you have Microsoft Excel installed, you can access the API
data directly, depending on the version of Excel.
1. Click on the File menu in Excel and select "Open". In the file field, enter the URL query string.
2. Click Open.
1. Click on the Data menu, select "Import External Data", then click New Web
2. In the New Web Query dialog box enter the URL query string for the Keyword
discovery API.
3. Click Go.
Third party application
Users are permitted to code their own program to interface with the API.
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