Keyword Discovery - FAQ
Why does the result for Occurrences differ from the Google website search results?
We believe that the Google API employs data filtering to remove duplicate content and content in different languages. As a result we believe that this provides a more accurate indication of a keyword's competition.
Note that the actual number of results shown on the Google website, does not represent the number of results that Google deems to be unique and relevant.
For example, a Google website search for "platinum diamond wedding bands " (including quotes to perform an exact phrase match) shows 22,400 results. A check of the very last Google result page, shows the following text:
"In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 71 already displayed.
If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included."
So Google perceive only 71 results of the 22,400 to be unique and relevant. (The exact figure may change slightly depending on which Google data center your query is directed to)
Therefore the Google API figure may seem very low in contrast with the total number of results shown on the Google website, but when compared to the actual number of results that are deemed as unique and relevant, the Occurrences figure is a realistic representation of the relevant and unique occurrences of the keyword in question.
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